Usual annual round-up of "Serge Daney in English" news. There were no new books as in 2022 and 2023, so we'll deal with bits and pieces this year, on this blog and elsewhere.
Three new translations on this blog:
- Vecchiali Shoots in Sequence on Paul Vecchiali's Trous de mémoire
- What Can a Heart? - on Manoel de Oliveira's Francisca
- Amos Gitai, tonight - a forgotten but important text, the first about Gitai.
New translations elsewhere (some of previously translated texts):
- Notes on Salò - by Pasolini of course.
- Gray Matter - a great text on Spielberg's Jaws
- Due to the Resurgence of Handbag Thefts - the first 16 pages of one of Daney's posthumous book.
One book about Daney:
- Serge Daney and Queer Cinephilia - a series of articles, some excellent like Pierre Eugène's text on Daney's homosexuality.
A couple of events:
- Never Look Away: Serge Daney's Radical 1970s - a series of films at the Lincoln Film Center organised for the publication of Footlights.
- The rerun of La loi du marcheur in France - a theatre play taking inspiration from a 1992 documentary (a three-hour Daney monologue really).
And like every year, there are other projects being worked on (with no date):
- Publishing house Semiotexte(e) confirmed they are working on translating the volume 2 of Cinema House and the World (but confessed it's taking a long time - it's the biggest of the four volumes)
- Nicholas Elliot (the translator of Footlights) did intend to translate Ciné-Journal but also mentioned he had to attend to other (non-Daney) projects in the meantime.
- Film critic Emmanuel Burdeau keeps giving conferences about Daney in France... a book was once rumored to be in the offing.
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