Saturday, December 16, 2023

In Praise of Tati

This month (December 2023) sees the release of a second book of translations of Serge Daney by the team at Semiotext(e) (Footlights). It's a translation of La Rampe, Daney's first book. I'll write more about it once I get my hands on it (it's high on the Christmas list!), but in the meantime, an extract has been published by the New Left Review.

In Praise of Tati, translated by Nicolas Elliott, appears in Footlights: Critical Notebook 1970-1982, published this month by Semiotext(e). The text was originally published in book form as ‘Éloge de Tati’ in La Rampe: Cahiers critique 1970-1982 published by Cahiers du Cinéma/Gallimard in 1983. 

And for those fascinated by the translation in English of Serge Daney, you can even do a like-for-like comparison of Elliott's translation with the one Andy Rector and I published here a little while ago.