Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Jacques Rivette, Le pont du nord

Serge Daney's review of Rivette's Le pont du nord is translated in the booklet of Eureka new eponymous Blu-ray disc.

Jacques Rivette, Le pont du nord
First published in Libération on March 26th, 1982. Re-printed in La maison cinéma et le monde - volume 2, POL, 2002, pp. 99-102. Translated by Craig Keller, 2013.

In it, Daney describes the film as a western, a political thriller, a documentary on Paris, an "old modern film" and a "modern metaphor of ancient myths".


  1. Thank your for your work LK. Almost all of the Daney I've read has been through your blog. You may be interested in this, as it refers to The Tracking Shot in Kapo, which I first read in your translation in senses of cinema. Thanks again for this blog, it's a great resource.

    Thanks again,

  2. Hello Nafis, thank you for the kind words. It's always surprising to see how much impact the Kapo article can have. And thanks for the article about LA art house theaters. Looks like a vibrant scene.

  3. Hi!
    Could this article be found somewhere on the internet in French or English?

    1. Hi, in French, it's in the Daney books published by POL and in English it's in the booklet of the Eureka DVD mentioned. Both are available commercially I think.

    2. Thanks, but I haven't access to any of these. In fact it's impossible in my country and I eagerly wanted to read and translate it. Therefore I wanted to ask you to share the article if possible.

    3. Hi, it's not my translation but let me ask around.

  4. I greatly appreciate your help.

    1. Hi, I did ask Eureka Videos but can’t seem to get an answer. I’ll Keep trying. The DVD is “discontinued” so there isn’t a commercial route to get the text.

  5. Replies
    1. Good news. It's coming up on the blog in the next few days. It will be a new post.

  6. Oh! Seen it! I am really really thankful!

  7. Possibly, a new blog titled "Rivette's Paris", in german language with citations in french and english, might find your attention: - Best regards from Hamburg.


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