Thursday, May 03, 2007

For the sake of exhaustivity...

Doing another of my regular Google searches on "Serge Daney", I found that the Bernadette Corporation art collective allegedly published translations of Daney in what seems to be a short-lived fashion magazine called MADE IN USA in the Issue 1 Fall/Winter 1999-2000. At least that's what the Bernadette Corporation website claims. They don't say which text they have translated.

If a member of this collective ever read this, please consider making these translations available online. If anyone owns a copy of the magazine, can you give us the reference of the text transalted?

The quest for english translations of Daney is becoming really mysterious... It's time for more translations!


  1. it may not be the same article but there is a short piece by daney in english translation in continuous project # 8--a book put out by a group of artists (bernadette corporation has something in the same book). the book is published in france but entirely in english and i think it is still in print:

  2. Thanks a lot for pointing this out. I've asked the CNEAI to give me the exact reference of the article and if they would put the article online since the Continuous Project #8 seems to be out of stock.

    I'll update the blog if and when I hear back from them.


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